Sunday, April 19, 2020

Make the Most of Your Thank You Page

You successfully completed the sale or signed up the subscriber. It’s a great win and you direct your new customer to a page where you can confirm the order and express your genuine thanks. But I think most underestimate the opportunities that thank you pages present. They are a key piece of your online customer experience and, when used properly, they can help you with your longer term success. In addition to starting your customer relationships off on the right note, they can also provide some valuable information and post-conversion marketing. Here are a few strategies to boost the power of your thank you page. 1. Get Users Started with Your Product Quickly If you’re a digital product, encourage your users to get started right away when their interest is highest. This will get customers used to your product, making them more likely to continue using it and less likely to unsubscribe. If you’re selling physical goods, give your customers an expectation on when they can expect delivery. 2. Solicit Feedback Your thank you page is an ideal opportunity to see how you’re doing in terms of meeting customer expectations thus far. The insights you gain can help make your strategy more successful going forward while also strengthening the connection with your customers. Just be sure to keep it short and, if there is an issue brought forward, make sure you follow up. 3. Add a Special Offer Consider how you could provide even more value to your new customer and present some carefully selected exclusive offers. It could be a complementary product or a higher tier of your subscription service at a discounted price for a limited time. Turn your thank you page into a hub of useful resources for your customers. Include your most popular articles, guides, tutorials and resource pages. In addition to providing value to your customers, it helps establish your brand’s authority and boosts the SEO. 5. Encourage Social Sharing and Following You just got a new customer – don’t miss the opportunity deepen the connection with them. Make it easy for them to like or follow your social media pages so they can stay up-to-date with the latest product updates or promotions. There’s no harm in asking and the benefits of boosting your shares, likes and followers are huge. The Value That Thank You Pages Can Create If your thank you page consists of nothing more than a generic message, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity. I’m definitely not advocating that you load your thank you page with all of these tactics. But, depending on your business, one or two can help keep your new customer engaged with your brand. And keeping them engaged longer means that you have a better chance at fostering a stronger connection and creating more long-term customers.

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